Accreditation and certification

RNCP title

Designer – Perfumery and Cosmetics Manager qualification

The Designer – Perfumery and Cosmetics Manager qualification (Créateur – Manager en parfumerie et cosmétique) is registered in the French National Register of Professional Certifications (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles – RNCP) under RNCP title n° 37850, level 7, published in the JO on 04/01/2019, France Compétences decision date: 19/07/2023, issued under the authority of Parfum enseignement and ADE Holding. This RNCP title is accessible by “VAE”, and by blocks of skills.

NSF codes :

Career opportunities :

The Designer – Perfumery and Cosmetics Manager is a professional integrated into a private, industrial or commercial organization who masters the processes involved in creating a perfumed or cosmetic product.

They can thus assume the following positions in the perfume and cosmetics industry:

Activities covered by the Designer – Perfumery and Cosmetics Manager certification :

Optional :


Certified qualifications :

Option 1:

Option 2 :

Career opportunities

Perfumery: junior perfumer-analyst in fine perfumery or functional perfumery, regulatory manager, evaluation manager, sensory analysis manager.

Cosmetics: formulation-innovation manager, R&D project manager, coordinator: R&D/Marketing, R&D/Production, R&D/Evaluation, legislation manager, sensory analysis manager.


Educational and assessment methods can be adapted to compensate for disabilities, in compliance with the RNCP reference framework.

Some key indicators

Since our program has been open to work-study schemes since the start of the 23/24 academic year, we will be able to provide you with the graduation, drop-out, contract rupture and professional integration rates following the graduation of the first class of work-study students. These figures will be available from January 2025.

CFA AD Education is not subject to publication on Inserjeunes. CFA AD Education is not subject to Value Added Tax.

For more information on the CFA AD Education website, click here.

Marketing and Communication Strategy Manager

The Marketing and Communication Strategy Manager qualification (Manager des stratégies marketing et communication) is registered in the French National Register of Professional Certifications (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles – RNCP) as RNCP n° 38504, level 7, published in the JO on 21/12/2023, awarded under the authority of Mediaschool Paris – Mediaschool Paris CFA and Mediaschool Group. This RNCP title is accessible by “VAE”, and by blocks of skills.

NSF codes :

Career opportunities:

The three blocks of common skills enable access to key positions in marketing and communications management:

Each of the optional blocks provides access to specific marketing and communications management jobs requiring particular skills:

Skills targeted by the certification Marketing and Communication Strategy Manager :

Whatever their job, company or working conditions, Marketing and Communication Strategy Managers are primarily involved in the following activities:

Depending on their job, they may also be involved in one of the following activities:

Certified skills :

The following skills are all certified:

The following qualifications are certified if the chosen optional block is successfully passed:

The following qualifications are certified if the chosen optional block is successfully passed:

The following qualifications are certified if the chosen optional block is successfully passed:


Teaching and assessment methods can be adapted to compensate for disabilities, in line with the RNCP reference framework.


The Master’s degree in Chemistry and Life Sciences (Master Chimie et sciences du vivant) is registered in the French National Register of Professional Certifications (Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles – RNCP) under the title RNCP n° 34110, level 7 (decree of 07/15/2020), issued under the authority of the University of Versailles St Quentin en Yvelines.

The procedures for acquiring certification by capitalizing on blocks of skills and/or by equivalence are defined by each accredited certifier, which implements the systems it deems appropriate. These procedures can be modulated according to the pathway to certification: apprenticeship, initial training, VAE, professional development.

The FESAPCA professional master’s degree is designed to train company executives with a high level of scientific training, particularly in chemical analysis, and solid skills in formulation, legislation and sensory analysis, complemented by the ability to take responsibility and make decisions. Graduates will thus be operational in R&D laboratories, analysis and quality control laboratories, sensory evaluation laboratories, as well as in design and new project management teams.

Specific aspects of the program:

This program is offered in partnership with the École Supérieure du Parfum & de la Cosmétique and the CFA AD apprentice training center. Scientific courses are taught by the UVSQ, while professional courses are taught by the École Supérieure du Parfum & de la Cosmétique.

Follow-up of apprentices is carried out by the CFA AD in collaboration with the École Supérieure du Parfum & de la Cosmétique.

NSF codes :

Career opportunities :

Targeted skills:

Certified skills:


Teaching and assessment methods can be adapted to compensate for disabilities, in line with the RNCP reference framework.


For the FESAPCA Master in apprenticeship, we will be able to inform you of the rates of examination and certification, drop-out, contract break and professional integration over the entire Master cycle (M1 & M2) after graduation of the first class of learners. These figures will be available from January 2025.

To date, the results indicators we can communicate are those of the Master 1 in apprenticeship for promotion 2022_2023 (survey carried out in 2023):

• Number of students: 56

• Master 1 pass rate: 100%

• Upper year pass rate: 100%

• Drop-out rate: 0%

• Apprenticeship contract termination rate: 2.22%

For more information on the UVSQ figures, click here

The CFA AD Education is not subject to a publication on Inserjeunes. The CFA AD Education is not subject to the calculation of Value Added.
More information on the CFA AD Education website click here.


The quality certification was issued under the following category: TRAINING ACTIONS, ACTIONS TO VALIDATE ACQUIRED EXPERIENCE

You are an international partner, a certification and/or degree equivalency control organization?

For any verification or additional information on the various institutions of the AD France network, please send your requests to the following address:

You will be directly in contact with our national team who will respond to your request.-